September 01, 2024

The Story Teller

Lately I am realising a very disturbing fact.
I don't know how to write!!

For sometimes now I have been trying to put some ideas together

Envision a story.. a plot.. a character.. a places!!
But nothing is materializing in my brain.. just scattered ideas that doesnt hold on together and make something coherent.

I am a storyteller, or that's what i used to be... but for years this skill has been diminishing due to my attempt to run and hide from some aspects of my reality... i run to the colorful world of the games and social media... where i shut down my brain and receive only... do whatever needed mechanically... 

My soul is dry
and i don't know how to revive it
My imagination is depleted
and i don't know how to replenish it

the storyteller has no stories to tell

I thought of prompts... I thought of writing competitions... I thought of just writing the flashes that hit my mind from time to time
 But the problem is, I only think and think only... I dont move things to the next phase... ACTION

I am tired... emotionally, physically, mentally exhausted 
sometimes I tell myself, writing is your safe haven... where you can be somewhere else... where you will be someone else... just let it flow and you will not regret it

just let it heal you
just let it strengthen you as it always did
write a story, any story... a silly story... a sad story... a love story... a crazy story... just write a story... one little story... it will be the key to the rusty gates of your mind

I am very good at writing feelings.. very deep feelings... feelings that one can whisper to oneself.. how about character, place, plot line?

"It is a beautiful day outside, sunny with a little chill... delicious silence engulfing the space, melodies flowing around, make the heart aches with ecstasy... there... sitting... thinking... writing... dreaming... what is going to happen today? does it matter?, does it really matter?... just indulge in the moment... steal the rare beautiful moment from the ugly face of life"

Just feelings... no character, no place, no plot

My Strange Idea for the Day
I am a Storyteller without Stories 



Anonymous said...

Dear Egyptiana

I am so thrilled that you are taking your first step into the world of writing, love your title witty and catchy may be you can use it one day!

As I've told you before writing is harsh really tough to make yourself sit down staring at white screen for hours and hours suddenly checking social media is becoming an obsession, how about previewing latest episode of your favorite show better laying on the couch having a nice nap :) That's what is called writer's resistance not block too early for you.

So first thing first you MUST take the following steps:

1)Preview online courses for writing novels I suggest this one watch the first seconds of the trailer addressing your main issue. There are several authors at the same site that you can check them too.

2) Search YouTube channel you can find plenty of interviews of your favorite authors discussing their craft, routine etc.. also several writing Gurus teaching you how to start and sharpen your craft.

3) Read about writing techniques Stephen King have a decent book titled "On Writing" its a good introduction, The Heroine's Journey by Maureen Murdock, Steering the Craft by Ursula K Le Guin. Finally "The Art of Dialogue" by Robert Mackee because its extremely tricky and harsh to nail it takes lot of effort to distinguish characters voices for instance an upper middle class corporate oriented will not speak like a house wife or social worker will not use the same terminology of a Professor of literature also each characters has it rhythm and vocabulary finally depending of the time of writing the story a teenager in mid 90s will not use the same slang words of Millennial or GenZ :)

Now after your digest all this you must find your way to write there is no code here some favor a theme like revenge, lonesome, validation etc.. what is your favorite Genre? Crime, thriller, horror, Romance, Drama by the way you can mix one or two together.

Some writers start with a lame character suddenly pulled into a strange world! May be you start with an exotic place that you always dreamt of travelling to - you mentioned your crave to travel, may be you want to tackle relationships etc.. ideas are endless my friends that's why you need to choose one idea and stick to it then you start to build what we call character profile of the main characters of course you must know them by heart from the day they were born till we meet them for the first time, education, habits, tall, height, religion, ex relationships, their house, favorite color, clothes, food, smoke, drinks, drugs, look to other gender everything of course supporting characters will be shorter once your done you start building your universe location is it a village in upper Egypt which one , or may be a city by the sea Port Said? Bit by Bit you indulge yourself into the character's world and find yourself hearing, feeling and even talking with the characters and Start writing one sentence at a time and enjoy the journey celebrating each step and small success till you finish the last line or as screenwriters type FADE OUT!

Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Almost forget to mention two important books "The Hero with a Thousand Faces" by Joseph Campbell and "The Writer's Journey" by Christopher Vogler you will love them because their main reference is mythology which is main reference in most if not all of your writings and visual reference :)

Egyptiana Trapped Soul said...

how do you know about all this ? are you a writer yourself?

Anonymous said...

Morning Dear, how do you know about all this ? are you a writer yourself? That's a question for another day to answer all I can say that my world intersect with the literature! I know it doesn't feed the curiosity of the cat inside you ;) but promise to shed the light soon :)

Anonymous said...

As long as I draw a breath I'm here to support, endorse and help.

"reading your comment makes me feel like somehow you read my mind...when I first read your comment i was like: how did he know?" May be I'm telepathist ;)

You are not wasting your time by all means you are learning the craft and its a long journey, good writing needs a lot of tools part of it bright ideas and shiny words but how you implement them and make coherent in a narrative is a totally different story! Definitely you are on the right track.

Being overwhelmed is normal, remember every author was in your shoe and every journey has a beginning you have just taken your first step...

Don't ever mention it, glad to give you a boost :) have a good one!

Anonymous said...

Hello EG, Hello my fellow Anonymous,
I'm glad to see a positive outlook and my dear Anonymous covered all basis here with logic, eloquence and passion,
keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Fellow Anonymous I"m merely sharing my humble and limited knowledge because I can easily identify with aspiring talent seeking to find her/his voice not to mention the agony of showing their vulnerability & the nightmare of self doubt. I wish our mutual friend Egyptiana best of luck and success in her writing endeavour.

Anonymous said...

Amen to that,
Your modesty is greatly admired,

Egyptiana Trapped Soul said...

I bought the books "vogler and Campbell" read few pages of each and i love it especially vogler... very eye opening... very mind nurturing... thank you for everything... but i am stuck in my own head and i cant fulfill my dreams... consumed and angry... last post explains

Egyptiana Trapped Soul said...

Hi dear Anonymous who calls me EG
our mutual friend Anonymous who calls me Egyptiana is truly wonderful and so supportive and you both makes me run to this blog as you created this safe sanctuary where i can scream and be who i am ... thank you both

Egyptiana Trapped Soul said...

wish i can find my voice... wish i can defeat my vulnerability

Anonymous said...

Glad that you did! Keep up the good work:) Total get you this instant I am in your shoe as a matter of fact my dream which I has been chasing all my life is about to vanish I did a huge huge sacrifice gave up literally everything and now all I have to do is pray and live with the consequences of what might be poor choice but deep in my heart I know that it will pass quite sure GOD all mighty paved this path and sooner or later my agony, suffering will vanish and I will be awarded your prayers dear friends.

Anonymous said...

Oh but You Can & You Will!