Do you know about Yin and YangIts forces ..
Its nature ..
Its spiritual symbolic meaningYin and Yang has always been my favorit symbole... i even put it in front of me at my office
Yin and Yang has been the symbole of perfection out of contradiction
Yin and Yang is the magic of integrating two different forces to make a whole complete circle - the most perfect shape that has been ever created
Yin and Yang is the symbole that reflects the current story of my life
I Got Married
I have broken the circle of sadness and fear
I united my soul with another soul
I am experiencing the true meaning of Yin and Yang
Two different characters
Two unlike pieces of puzzles
Two diverse souls
Met .. Repulsed .. Attracted .. Fell .. United
I am Yin .. He is Yang
I am darkness .. He is light
I am the moon .. He is the sun
I am the shade that shelters him .. He is the brightness that shows me the way
I am the arms in which he rests .. He is the arms that turn the wheel of life
I am earth, the mother, the seed bearer .. He is Heaven, the Father, the seed giver
I am matter .. He is energy
I am water .. He is fire
I am the body .. He is the head
I am the interior .. He is the exterior
I conserve our relations .. He transforms our relation from one level to the other
I am Love .. He is life
I am Yin .. His Yang
I Got Married
living the aspects of Yin and Yang relationship, with all its magic
* Yin and Yang are Opposit: body .. soul .. mind ..
I am short .. He is tall
He is tanned .. I am white
I am spiritual .. He is scinetific
He is futuristic .. I am old fashioned
My mind runs behind the secrets of the universe .. His mind is robotic and computerized
He is a leaders .. I am a Priestess
*Yin and Yang are inter-independant: cannot exist without each other
waking up in the morning with a smile i am his and he is mine
my existence in this life depend on his existence in mine
It is not about the bond of mariage .. it is about the integration
Life is him .. Life is me .. Life is US .. and our future to be
*Mutual Consumption of Yin and Yang
Giving .. consuming feelings .. demanding love .. mutual sharing .. the union .. the us
I devour his feelings .. He feeds on mine
our minds .. our brain cells work on the same wave length .. filling our minds with knowledge
our souls .. fly over clouds of pure feelings .. over the fresh breezes of sensuality
our bodies .. our cells are calling each other .. integrate .. unite .. as if they were made from the same matter
*Inter Transpformation of Yin and Yang: one can change into the other, it is not random event, it happens only when the time is right
I am his female version.. I am acquiring his characters .. he is acquiring mine .. we are disolving in each other to the extent of being one .. to the extent of being same .. to the extent of speaking same words, doing same acts, at the same time , to the extent of when we look in each others faces we see each other faces
Yin an Yang has been always my favorit symbol ...
but now it is not just a symbol...
It is a way of life...
My strange Idea for Today
I am Two