All this make my heart ache… for no specific reason but the eager to meet fall again… and enjoy its beauty that exceeded any other season… though I have good feeling toward other seasons, but fall is always my favorite
That raises a question; What do I love about each season?!
mmm let me see
If I start with winter:
- I was born in winter; in the incomplete month… the coldest among all winter months … and the weirdest among all months… of course you have guessed!!! FEBRUARY,
- I love gray skies, from which I can see the true face of the world, hear angels’ cries, and bless my being with their tears “Rain”.
- It is better to be sitting under blankets with a cup of hot chocolates; than sitting half naked in the AC!!! Sinus problem :(
- The chill that turn our face and fingers numb! And make us appreciate our senses.
- Abandoned streets
- Winter clothes are more elegant
- Magic about Master winter: he is cold yet send warm feelings to our hearts… for the cold weather let people tend to be closer to each other, looking for physical and emotional warmth, and appreciate the good company
- Favorite place in winter: ALEXANDRIA
- In which the songs of virgins in the hidden temples fill the being
- Smells of fruits and heavenly flowers… clear blue skies… and trees start to wear all kinds of blossoms and colorful leaves
- Enjoy the youth of the sun… with its shy light and heat
- LOVE… LOVE… LOVE is in the air
- All creature but humans are happier in spring, and as I value nature so I am happy for them too… even the sparrows songs are better
- In spring, a high degree of harmony and union with nature elements can be reached… feel yourself in the sea… or sitting on green grass… touching tree trunks… smell the scent of flowers and roses and fruit’s trees… and listen deeply to the leaves and cool breezes
- Still wintery clothes, with summer shades… they call that demi season
- Favorite place in spring: Gardens
- The SEA… jump in water and feel it penetrating your cells… wash you from inside…let go all darkness, and fill your emptiness with its holly secrets
- I like the festivals of Poseidon, and river nymphs :) but that another story that I will write about in the diaries :D
- Favorite place in summer: The Sea, & my Room
- Sweet November
- All good things happen to me in fall
- In fall all feelings are balanced … away from winter depression, spring romance, and summer enthusiasm
- Can reach a higher degree of spirituality and self exploration during the holly days of fall
- The nature is letting go their own past … and start a journey to begin a new chapter in their life
- Sweet sadness in the air … true feelings in the hearts… freedom of the soul
- The elements of life express themselves greatly
- I enjoy the festival of the Earth goddess, and wood nymphs :)
- Favorite place in fall: My world, me, and myself
Seasons are like me, or I am like seasons, doesn’t really matter… we are both unstable with NO single mood… That may seem a negative thing, but in my opinion it is a bless
So… time to change the season… time to change the mood… time to change the face of my earth, my world, my life.