September 19, 2024

Healing Alone


Broken soul… broken heart
One piece after the other consumed by the dark sadness
One piece after the other burned by the flames of anger

Oh I was a fool
A ridiculous fool 
I believed and I gave my all 
And now I am standing all alone 
Facing all of this alone
Trying to heal alone 

Always alone 

My wounds never heal
surrounded by darkness... no ray of light
pain eating my heart
I am falling... falling in endless despair
I need to breath... I need to see the sun... I wish to be ok for once in my life... I am tired... and sad... I am consumed... and angry... I must get out of all this... 

falling... falling deep... falling... hit hard... 
stuck in my head... it is crowded in there... those thoughts chain me... demons... cant break free 

Facing all this
healing alone
but my wounds never heal 
my wounds never heal

My strange idea of the day


Anonymous said...

This one really hit me :( really hard...

Recently I' m experiencing grave insomnia waking up in the middle of the night seeking some solace in the void and silence of the night I find this post as it manifest my status quo I can't thank you enough for sharing during such hard times on all aspects of life hopefully it will pass and we all recover as it been a long journey of agony and frustration.

P.S. Don't keep your readers too long we crave for your poetic posts...

Be well

Anonymous said...

The paradox of beauty and Melancholy that effects the senses profoundly, good work E.G.
as for my dear Anonymous, I no longer call waking up at night insomnia but fact of life and an opportune time for YouTube , watching odd subjects that may drive me back to sleep:)

Egyptiana Trapped Soul said...

lack of sleep is my companion... waves of anger mixed with sadness and a sprinkle of regret are standing between me and peaceful sleep... and no matter what... there is no solace... no consolation... no peace

I am sorry to know that you are going through hard time, but life was never fair... no matter how fair we play.. frustrating and hard to accept ... but life doesn't need our acceptance.. it is us who need to chose the path and take the consequences as they are

happy to know that my words are speaking to you.. we are living hard times indeed... and i hope truly that we all find the peace we wish for

Egyptiana Trapped Soul said...

my words are loaded with row feelings... bare from all rationality and societal rules... thats why they affect the senses and speak to the deep self
happy you like them
i am actually thinking of collecting parts of my posts in a book, that describe my journey and my resultless search for peace and happiness
bit depressing... but real... we all have battles and we dont win them all