The 21st of March… The first day of the beautiful reviving spring… my sister’s birthday… and of course… Mother’s day.
It is a day full of life… a symbol of birth, and fertility
A day when Mother earth give birth to a new face, for the aged world, worn out by winter
A day when flower blossoms start to crawl over tree branches, coloring our busy days…
A day when I smile and secretly wish for a happier time … smelling the scent of life emerging from everything around.
Maybe that is why this day is chosen to celebrate the mother’s day!
Mother’s day… I rather call it … The Day of the Feminine power
Power to give life
To change hard conditions into favorable ones
To contain the whole world with all its complications in between our tiny hands
To guide the human souls with ideas, and secretly hidden intelligence
To fight for the best of our beloved
To sacrifice ceaselessly with all what we own... even ourselves
Mother’s day, is every woman’s day… for being a mother is a built in feature, god planted its seed… and let it grow into a great sacred tree
A tree that feed, shade, spill wisdom, and give pleasure
I dedicate today’s greetings to:
Every mother on earth or up in heaven – May god bless their tender souls
Every Girl/Woman:
who takes care of her parents
who take cares of her brothers and sisters
who shares to put a smile on the face of poor and orphans
who contains and love her man (bf, husband ..)
who feeds an animal and show mercy to all god’s creatures
who cherish friendship and is always around to spread cheers, and contain tears and fears
Every Girl/Woman who knows the true meaning of being a woman… of being the bearer of the feminine power… and realizes the gift that changed the face of the world.
All men who curse women… who are too arrogant, and afraid to admit our sacred power … remember that Adam asked God for Eve - *wink
So happy Mother’s day my fellow females … May god bless our feminine powers inside.
My strange Idea for today
We are all mothers
Happy mother's day to all, god bless the fiminine power inside all of you, and god bless the princess.
Yes they all deserve such greetings.
But when will a loving and giving man will be honoured by a such greetings.
greetings from me to every passionate, giving silently, faithful, honest and noble man
Sweet Mahmoud
thank you so... and ma god bless you too
Oh dear Arabic Id
of course i give credit to all passionate, giving silently, faithful, honest and noble men
if they ever exist :)
my warmest regards heheheh, glad to see you around
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